Indisputable reflection of the attitude seems to be the need for the domination of subjective shots (this does not mean that these do not matter). Due to the importance of self-reliance and a willingness to dialogue and work on the ability to communicate, and thus the development of language and understanding it in the context of cultural (and this is not the same as “cracking” of rules of grammar!). Independence requires making diagnoses the situation, the problems for which the person has to be determined, and ready to formulate, naming those problems of verification, modification, and then the possible adjustment positions. Independence also requires the consent of the uncertainty of their own diagnoses. This means the need for the habit of critical thinking and interpreting the world at your own risk. This will involve creativity, originality, courage, honesty. Moreover, the effort combines the independence of individual responsibility and the attitude was. Responsibility is revealed in four aspects, which determines the language so: the responsibility to bear, you are responsible for something, think about the consequences in connection with it; responsibility to take (there is some liability); pull-up is responsible for something; It acts responsibly. So determined goals require the creation of a situation, tasks, exercises, texts, which favor the acquisition of these traits, attitudes, skills. Only in such conditions accumulated knowledge makes sense. Statistics up, le